Tenshin Shōden
Katori Shintō-ryū
Traditional Japanese Martial Art
Sword, Staff, Halberd, Short Sword, Twin Swords, Spear

Renbukan Dojo,
Durban, South Africa
We are a branch of the Shinbukan Dojo in Narita, Japan
Where to find us
Truro Hall, Westville
Tuesdays 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Thursdays 6:00pm – 8:00pm
What does it cost?
R400 per month for adults
R250 per month for students / learners
Who can join
Training is open to anyone 16 and over
One school, many weapons
Students start training sword on sword. They then progress to staff, halberd, two-swords and then short sword.
Kata – the truth in ancient ways
- Training is done using paired forms called kata
- Students use these to learn about the weapon, and the interaction between them and their partner.

- These kata are based on drawing the sword, and then striking, and then resheathing the sword all in one movement
- These are done with a metal sword, and are performed solo
“There are no shortcuts in Shinto Ryu”
Otake Nobutoshi